How To


Everything you need to start, run and scale a digital agency

Help your nonprofit collaborate more effectively with smart.

Design by Inicio

Inicio    31.05.2024      5 min read

Running an online company or any brand is not an easy task and comes with various factors that you need to oversee. As the age of the internet continues to prosper many have found out how e-commerce brings in more profit and is a more efficient means of income than traditional ways. To get started here we will talk about what you need to know and how to start a business of your own online.


First and foremost you need to figure out your niche. What do you specify in, what sets you apart and what industry you are in. When going into selecting your main specification it is important to know that you are fully familiar with the industry, competition and trends. Many niches come and go as time moves on, it is extremely important to sit and fully research your specific one to ensure success with changing times. After you have selected the field you will be working with and the niche you specialize in it gets easier to work in developing said niche.

You can start off with identifying which niche does your agency provide in the market and to your clients. By knowing your USP (Unique Selling Proposition), you have a higher chance of marketing your services with more ease. To know your USP you can run a SWOL analysis (situational assessment as some may say). This can help you gather your weaknesses and strengths all together to make a better conclusion.

Target Audience: 

Knowing your client and who you will be providing your service to makes it easier to provide a business plan and marketing strategy. Target Audience does not limit itself to specific users but can vary over the range of gender, age and careers. Say, a younger target audience with a more male centric crowd will be more accessible if you go over to a specific part of social media and vice versa. Imagine you are in a room full of a diverse group of people. To know your crowd you will easily be able to seek out the group near a specific corner of the room. This way you know where to place yourself, a similar idea goes for when running an agency. Knowing your crowd and corners makes it easier for you to know where you want to place yourself. 

Business plan: 

Once you’re done with all of that you need to make a framework that will work as the backbone of your upcoming business career. Running an agency may sound intimidating but the creative control you have over something that will be run under you, especially online, gives you the freedom of pushing your limits to the skies. A rough format that you can follow for a business plan can go like: 

  • Executive Summary

        Mission Statement

        Business Overview Goals

  • Market Analysis

        Target Market

        Competitive Analysis

  • Services Offered

         Service List

         Unique Selling Proposition 

  • Marketing and Sales Strategy

       Marketing Plan

       Sales Strategy

  • Financial Plan

       Revenue Model

       Pricing Strategy

       Financial Projections

  • Operational Plan

        Business Model

        Team Structure

Marketing Agencies:

Condense everything in a game plan for yourself. Prepare and once you are set with your values and goals, reach out to digital marketing agencies to get that solidified platform to reach out and make sure all your goals are reached. When working on a business that is meant to launch online, it is very important to work with experts who know the back hand rules of the internet to make sure your brand is the top search result shown and not stuck in the 23rd page of google search. To ensure that all the hard work you put in thrives, reach out to brands like Inicio to meet with a team of equally enthusiastic individuals with various skills up their sleeves all to polish up your brand’s online identity. 

Help your nonprofit collaborate more effectively with smart.

Help your nonprofit 

Help your nonprofit collaborate more effectively with smart.

Help your nonprofit 

Help your nonprofit collaborate more effectively with smart.

Help your nonprofit 

Everything you need to start, run and scale a digital agency

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